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Basic Applications


Who should attend?

This course is designed for anyone who will be working with 200mm/300mm VeritySem II tool family CD-SEM systems including hardware engineers and applications engineers.

Course Objective and Summary

Course Objective and Summery

* Locate and describe all safety hazards associated with the basic operations of theCD-SEM tools
* Locate and describe the main components and Capabilities of the CD-SEM tools 150mm/200mm/300 * Perform a CD Measurement Job
* Program a recipe for 5 site automatic CD
* Optimize a recipe
* Apply Best Known Methods (BKM’s)
* Review the Results


Course Benefits

Increase knowledge of system components and their interrelationships – Improve Automatic CD Recipes

Course Information

Prerequisites: None

Course location: Classroom and Cleanroom in the GTi Applications Lab
Course Length: 5 working days

Maximum Number of attendees: 4
